Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why does my 2000 VW Jetta VR6 makes a rattling noise on a cold start for a few seconds?

Almost everytime when I start my car it makes a rattling noise for a few seconds. It usually does it only on a cold start.Why does my 2000 VW Jetta VR6 makes a rattling noise on a cold start for a few seconds?Your concern is not unusual; the chain tensioner needs to build oil pressure for the variable valve timing set up in these and other VW motors, how long the noise is will determine if the dealer will cover the noise under the power train warranty (if you're the original owner, you have coverage for 10 years, 100 thousand miles), if you're not the original owner, then you're out of luck..

There is a service bullentin regarding this concern; ask your dealer to show it to you. I haven't worked for a VW dealer since December of 05, but remember the issue quite well.

The is of course other possiblities, including the issue of oil pump or bearing wear, but, I suspect the mostly issue will be the one of chain tensioner. Many of the VR6 and V6 engines had/have the issue for a few seconds at start up if the vehicle has sat more than 8 hours.

Hope this helps, a car niut.Why does my 2000 VW Jetta VR6 makes a rattling noise on a cold start for a few seconds?
Old age!Why does my 2000 VW Jetta VR6 makes a rattling noise on a cold start for a few seconds?If you changed the oil lately and its been doing it since then. you have a cheap oil filter some motors need to have the backflow preventer in the filter the cheapies don't have this to save money. What the noise is is rod knock because they don't have any oil for a few seconds! I would replace the filter with a name brand or an OEM one if thats the case
Are you using to correct oil?. What you are probably hearing are the hydraulic valve adjusters. Some noise on cold start up is considered normal.Why does my 2000 VW Jetta VR6 makes a rattling noise on a cold start for a few seconds?It MAY be cold weather,too heavy of an oil,an adjustment or a complete overhaul. At any rate...DON'T let it go on too long.Why does my 2000 VW Jetta VR6 makes a rattling noise on a cold start for a few seconds?
Check the starter motor. The gear of the starter is put in place by a solenoid and return to the rest position with the aid of a spring. If the system is dirty and the grease old, the spring takes a while to push it back.

When the gears are in place (starter and engine), they move like one, the teeth fit (almost) perfectly. But if the starter gear moves away but not enough to clear the teeth, the engine gear hits the starter gear teeth making the rattling noise.
The VR6 has a timing chain driven camshaft/crankshaft. I would think that it is your timing chain making the noise. It could be that the tensioner or guides are worn. Are you using the correct oil for the car? Make sure that you are. You may need to replace the chain and the related parts if it gets worse. Just keep a eye on the noise levelWhy does my 2000 VW Jetta VR6 makes a rattling noise on a cold start for a few seconds?
It's normal. Sounds like crap. German Engineering!

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